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Recommended Grass and Clover List

The Recommended Grass and Clover List allows farmers to make choices on the most appropriate grass and clover seeds for their farms based on reliable, independent data.

Historically the trials to gather this data have been funded through a voluntary levy collected from seed merchants based on retail sales. Problems with achieving the desired amount of funding led to an agreement with HCC and AHDB to provide funding to allow the List to continue. As a result of this a complete review of the system and where the trials take place has been undertaken and through the commitment of HCC and AHDB a dedicated booklet is produced annually with information on the current listed varieties.

Further details of the Recommended Lists are hosted on the website of the British Grassland Society

A number of other publications on grassland management can be found here.

Download Resources

Recommended Grass and Clover Lists Merchants Guide: cover
Recommended Grass and Clover List 2023: cover