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HCC’s ambition is nothing less than to make sheep and cattle farming in Wales a global exemplar of how to produce quality food, sustainably and efficiently.

We believe that our non-intensive ‘Welsh Way’ of farming has a great deal to offer. There are many things we already do very well, and we’re committed to getting even better.

In October 2021 we launched our practical guide for farmers, which sets out ways to reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration.

This work is based on independent research and lessons from industry projects, more information on which is in the documents below.

Welsh farmers can be proud that we produce high-quality protein on marginal land, which is largely unsuited for arable crops. We do so overwhelmingly in non-intensive systems, using grass and rainwater to rear animals, thereby avoiding contributing to deforestation and unsustainable use of water resources elsewhere in the world.

But we can further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut waste, in ways which will promote the economic and cultural sustainability of the vibrant Welsh communities which are sustained by livestock agriculture and food production. Livestock agriculture is also unique; alongside working to lower its impact, it can also contribute positively to carbon sequestration, soil regeneration and increased biodiversity.

Our aim is to ensure that consumers, when choosing Welsh Lamb or Welsh Beef, can be confident that their meat is produced to the highest possible standards of sustainability, and to play our part to combat our shared global challenges of climate change and food security. Click here for social media downloads.

Download Resources

The Welsh Way: towards global leadership in sustainable lamb and beef production: cover
Quick Facts on Welsh Red Meat and Sustainability: cover